Fake: Cholera in Lower Reaches of Dnipro Caused by US Biolabs

Ukrainian Ministry of Health assesses water quality in the reservoirs of Kherson, Odesa, and Mykolaiv regions on a daily basis, and the epidemic situation is currently under control, with no outbreaks of infectious diseases in the affected areas. The narrative about the US biolabs is not confirmed either by specialized experts from different countries or by international organizations working to reduce the threat of proliferation of mass destruction weapons.

Title: Fake: Cholera in Lower Reaches of Dnipro Caused by US Biolabs
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-cholera-in-lower-reaches-of-dnipro-caused-by-us-biolabs/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: June 22, 2023

Ukrainian Ministry of Health assesses water quality in the reservoirs of Kherson, Odesa, and Mykolaiv regions on a daily basis, and the epidemic situation is currently under control, with no outbreaks of infectious diseases in the affected areas. The narrative about the US biolabs is not confirmed either by specialized experts from different countries or by international organizations working to reduce the threat of proliferation of mass destruction weapons.