Fake: Germany’s Rheinmetall Shares Fall Drastically After Ukraine’s Failed Counteroffensive

Data from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange data shows that the value of
Rheinmetall group's shares fluctuated, and no sharp drops have been noted.
The Ukrainian military highly appreciates the quality of German weapons,
and Rheinmetall AG is planning to increase production, as demand for its
products is growing, driven by the Russian war in Ukraine.

Title: Fake: Germany’s Rheinmetall Shares Fall Drastically After Ukraine’s Failed Counteroffensive
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-germany-s-rheinmetall-shares-fall-drastically-after-ukraine-s-failed-counteroffensive/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: June 13, 2023

Data from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange data shows that the value of
Rheinmetall group’s shares fluctuated, and no sharp drops have been noted.
The Ukrainian military highly appreciates the quality of German weapons,
and Rheinmetall AG is planning to increase production, as demand for its
products is growing, driven by the Russian war in Ukraine.