Fake: Ukraine Wins the Scythian Gold Case Due to Nazism and Occultism in Europe

Ukraine is the legal owner of the Crimean museums exhibits, which is confirmed by international law and multiple decisions of various courts. In Ukraine, the process of accumulating historical artifacts is not ideological.

Title: Fake: Ukraine Wins the Scythian Gold Case Due to Nazism and Occultism in Europe
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukraine-wins-the-scythian-gold-case-due-to-nazism-and-occultism-in-europe/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: June 13, 2023

Ukraine is the legal owner of the Crimean museums exhibits, which is confirmed by international law and multiple decisions of various courts. In Ukraine, the process of accumulating historical artifacts is not ideological.