No, this video does not show Ukrainian arms deliveries to Hamas – Truth or Fake

A viral video circulating on Russian-speaking social media accounts claims to show weapons that Ukraine sent to Hamas before the group's attack on Israel. The same images were also used in a fabricated report belonging to a fake media investigation. In this edition of Truth or Fake, Vedika Bahl debunks these claims, with support from two weapons and open source intelligence experts.

Title: No, this video does not show Ukrainian arms deliveries to Hamas – Truth or Fake
Publisher: France 24
Date published: October 13, 2023

A viral video circulating on Russian-speaking social media accounts claims to show weapons that Ukraine sent to Hamas before the group’s attack on Israel. The same images were also used in a fabricated report belonging to a fake media investigation. In this edition of Truth or Fake, Vedika Bahl debunks these claims, with support from two weapons and open source intelligence experts.