Fake: Ukrainian Linguistic Russophobia: Common Hare No Longer to be Called Rusak

A doctored video is circulating online making an outrageous linguistic
claim against Ukrainians. StopFake analyzed the video and found it to be
doctored. Russian propagandists edited a false claim into the ticker of a
legitimate news story from Ukrainian television.

Title: Fake: Ukrainian Linguistic Russophobia: Common Hare No Longer to be Called Rusak
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/strong-fake-ukrainian-linguistic-russophobia-common-hare-no-longer-to-be-called-rusak-strong/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: January 23, 2023

A doctored video is circulating online making an outrageous linguistic
claim against Ukrainians. StopFake analyzed the video and found it to be
doctored. Russian propagandists edited a false claim into the ticker of a
legitimate news story from Ukrainian television.