Fake: Humanitarian Agencies Killed Civilians and Looted in Soledar

Russian media claims that humanitarian agencies killed civilians and looted in Soledar are based on one "interview" with an alleged Soledar resident, an interview which is not supported by any other evidence. The Donetsk Region police have not documented any criminal actions against residents involving international or Ukrainian volunteers.

Title: Fake: Humanitarian Agencies Killed Civilians and Looted in Soledar
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-humanitarian-agencies-killed-civilians-and-looted-in-soledar-2/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: January 18, 2023

Russian media claims that humanitarian agencies killed civilians and looted in Soledar are based on one “interview” with an alleged Soledar resident, an interview which is not supported by any other evidence. The Donetsk Region police have not documented any criminal actions against residents involving international or Ukrainian volunteers.