Fake: US Running Out of Ammunition for Ukraine says CSIS

A study by the US think tank CSIS states that the United States may face shortages of certain types of weapons and ammunition. However, this will not be a problem for the American Armed Forces. The United States possesses more than enough interchangeable types of weapons.

Title: Fake: US Running Out of Ammunition for Ukraine says CSIS
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-us-running-out-of-ammunition-for-ukraine-says-csis/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: January 16, 2023

A study by the US think tank CSIS states that the United States may face shortages of certain types of weapons and ammunition. However, this will not be a problem for the American Armed Forces. The United States possesses more than enough interchangeable types of weapons.