Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Cut Swastika in German Field

Ukrainian refugees are accused by Russian social media users of mowing a huge swastika into a field in Brandenburg, Germany. These accusations are unfounded. According to German media, the Nazi symbol, which has been banned in Germany since the end of WWII, could have been made by a local villager.

Title: Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Cut Swastika in German Field
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukrainian-refugees-cut-swastika-in-german-field/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: July 11, 2022

Ukrainian refugees are accused by Russian social media users of mowing a huge swastika into a field in Brandenburg, Germany. These accusations are unfounded. According to German media, the Nazi symbol, which has been banned in Germany since the end of WWII, could have been made by a local villager.