Fake: Kyiv Lying that Russia Has Lost a Third of Its Army in Ukraine…

Ukraine is not the only country saying that Russia has incurred significant losses in its war against Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defense has also said the same thing. Russian allegations that Ukraine is "producing propaganda that even the West does not believe" are simply lies. The heavy losses of the Russian army are becoming increasingly obvious not only to Ukrainians, but also to foreign analysts.

Title: Fake: Kyiv Lying that Russia Has Lost a Third of Its Army in Ukraine…
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-kyiv-lying-that-russia-has-lost-a-third-of-its-army-in-ukraine-war/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: May 18, 2022

Ukraine is not the only country saying that Russia has incurred significant losses in its war against Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defense has also said the same thing. Russian allegations that Ukraine is “producing propaganda that even the West does not believe” are simply lies. The heavy losses of the Russian army are becoming increasingly obvious not only to Ukrainians, but also to foreign analysts.