Fake: Ukraine Distributed Counterfeit Money Infected with Tuberculosis in Occupied Donbas

This fake was debunked back in 2020. Then, Ukrainian volunteers dropped leaflets in the form of rubles over Russian occupied Luhansk territories. The leaflets were not infected. However, the situation with tuberculosis in the occupied territories is dire and made even worse by the current Russian war against Ukraine.

Title: Fake: Ukraine Distributed Counterfeit Money Infected with Tuberculosis in Occupied Donbas
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukraine-distributed-counterfeit-money-infected-with-tuberculosis-in-occupied-donbas/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: May 17, 2022

This fake was debunked back in 2020. Then, Ukrainian volunteers dropped leaflets in the form of rubles over Russian occupied Luhansk territories. The leaflets were not infected. However, the situation with tuberculosis in the occupied territories is dire and made even worse by the current Russian war against Ukraine.