Old photos circulate after Russian forces attack Ukrainian nuclear power plant

Two photos have been shared in a report that links them to a fire at a Ukrainian nuclear power plant following a Russian attack in March 2022. However, the images -- viewed thousands of times -- have been shared in a misleading context. Both photos predate the Russian attack: one image has circulated in reports since 2011 about an oil refinery fire in Japan, while the other has circulated in reports since January 2022 about a Russian military drill.

Title: Old photos circulate after Russian forces attack Ukrainian nuclear power plant
URL: https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326V4VQ
Publisher: AFP
Date published: March 30, 2022

Two photos have been shared in a report that links them to a fire at a Ukrainian nuclear power plant following a Russian attack in March 2022. However, the images — viewed thousands of times — have been shared in a misleading context. Both photos predate the Russian attack: one image has circulated in reports since 2011 about an oil refinery fire in Japan, while the other has circulated in reports since January 2022 about a Russian military drill.