Old footage of a Canadian train ferrying armoured vehicles unrelated to war in Ukraine

A video of a long train transporting military vehicles has been shared on Facebook alongside a claim that the footage shows the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) sending tanks and equipment to Ukraine in support of its war against Russia. But this is false; the video has been circulating online since at least 2012 and shows a Canadian train operating in North America.

Title: Old footage of a Canadian train ferrying armoured vehicles unrelated to war in Ukraine
URL: https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324M4WH
Publisher: AFP
Date published: March 8, 2022

A video of a long train transporting military vehicles has been shared on Facebook alongside a claim that the footage shows the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) sending tanks and equipment to Ukraine in support of its war against Russia. But this is false; the video has been circulating online since at least 2012 and shows a Canadian train operating in North America.