Old footage of Ukrainian soldiers recirculates after Russian invasion in 2022

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, a video of men in military uniform embracing women was viewed more than 350,000 times in social media posts that claimed it showed Ukrainians saying goodbye to loved ones before going off to fight. In fact, the footage was taken from a documentary about the 2014 conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Title: Old footage of Ukrainian soldiers recirculates after Russian invasion in 2022
URL: https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32462Z7
Publisher: AFP
Date published: March 4, 2022

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, a video of men in military uniform embracing women was viewed more than 350,000 times in social media posts that claimed it showed Ukrainians saying goodbye to loved ones before going off to fight. In fact, the footage was taken from a documentary about the 2014 conflict between Ukraine and Russia.