The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine

As Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, the anti-Ukraine echo chamber will peddle myths and half-truths, including these four: Myth: Washington is writing Kyiv “blank checks” that Americans cannot afford. Myth: There is not enough oversight of US aid to Ukraine. Myth: America is exponentially the largest donor to Ukraine. Myth: Russia is a distraction. The US must focus on China.
Title: The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine
Publisher: Hudson Institute
Date published: September 13, 2023

As Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, the anti-Ukraine echo chamber will peddle myths and half-truths, including these four:
Myth: Washington is writing Kyiv “blank checks” that Americans cannot afford.
Myth: There is not enough oversight of US aid to Ukraine.
Myth: America is exponentially the largest donor to Ukraine.
Myth: Russia is a distraction. The US must focus on China.