Title: | Ukraine crisis: A low-cost disinformation campaign aids Putin’s playbook |
URL: | https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220223-ukraine-crisis-a-low-cost-disinformation-campaign-aids-putin-s-playbook |
Publisher: | France 24 |
Date published: | February 23, 2022 |
Description: | While Russian President Vladimir Putin recognised two breakaway regions of Ukraine as independent this week, pro-Russia online disinformation campaigners unleashed numerous images and videos depicting Ukraine as the aggressor. Their often crude efforts were promptly dismantled by experts and fact-checkers. But for Moscow, quantity overrides quality concerns. |
Ukraine crisis: A low-cost disinformation campaign aids Putin’s playbook
How then can the well-oiled Russian machine produce such "low-cost" disinformation? "Simply because, for the moment, the Russian authorities do not need to do better." [...]
What’s more, it’s not so much the quality as the quantity of disinformation that matters. "The goal is to create so many different – and sometimes even contradictory – versions of what is happening at the border that no one can really distinguish the true from the false anymore."