Title: | Video of ‘Stand with Israel’ text on NYC billboard is fake | verifythis.com |
URL: | https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/israel-hamas-war/video-of-nyc-billboard-replacing-stand-with-ukraine-text-with-stand-with-israel-isnt-real/536-846ff55a-671a-47b2-9e16-be2f5a207df3 |
Publisher: | VERIFY |
Date published: | November 16, 2023 |
Description: | A spokesperson for Clear Channel told VERIFY a video showing a billboard with an ad that replaces ‘Stand with Ukraine’ text with ‘Stand with Israel’ is fake. |
Video of ‘Stand with Israel’ text on NYC billboard is fake | verifythis.com
A spokesperson for Clear Channel told VERIFY a video showing a billboard with an ad that replaces 'Stand with Ukraine' text with 'Stand with Israel' is fake.