DISINFO: The Switzerland peace conference is set up to issue useless ultimatums to Russia

This is an pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024. Following Ukraine's request, Switzerland has invited over 160 delegations from around the world to join for the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine. The invitees include members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, as well as the EU, three international organisations and religious representatives. According to the Swiss government, the summit aims to create a framework favourable to comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as "a concrete roadmap for Russia's participation in the peace process." If the summit does not provide fruitful results, it will be because of Russia's impossible preconditions for a peaceful settlement. Russia refuses to engage in any talks before the "unconditional surrender of the Kiev [sic] regime."
Title: DISINFO: The Switzerland peace conference is set up to issue useless ultimatums to Russia
URL: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/the-switzerland-peace-conference-is-set-up-to-issue-useless-ultimatums-to-russia/
Publisher: EU vs Disinfo
Date published: May 16, 2024

This is an pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024.

Following Ukraine’s request, Switzerland has invited over 160 delegations from around the world to join for the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine. The invitees include members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, as well as the EU, three international organisations and religious representatives. According to the Swiss government, the summit aims to create a framework favourable to comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as “a concrete roadmap for Russia’s participation in the peace process.”

If the summit does not provide fruitful results, it will be because of Russia’s impossible preconditions for a peaceful settlement. Russia refuses to engage in any talks before the “unconditional surrender of the Kiev [sic] regime.”