Title: | Fresh round of fake videos claim the Bucha massacre was staged |
URL: | https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20220408-fresh-round-of-fake-videos-claim-the-bucha-massacre-was-staged |
Publisher: | France 24 |
Date published: | April 6, 2022 |
Description: | Several hundred bodies of civilians were discovered in Bucha, Ukraine on April 3. Since the horrific discovery, pro-Russian accounts on Twitter have been circulating images that they say prove that these bodies were fake or that the massacre was staged by Ukrainians. But we investigated and, it turns out, these images were taken out of context. |
Fresh round of fake videos claim the Bucha massacre was staged
Several hundred bodies of civilians were discovered in Bucha, Ukraine on April 3. Since the horrific discovery, pro-Russian accounts on Twitter have been circulating images that they say prove that these bodies were fake or that the massacre was staged by Ukrainians. But we investigated and, it turns out, these images were taken out of context.