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Marjorie Taylor Greene distorts Zelenskyy’s comments about sending US troops to war

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy did not say this. During a February press conference, Zelenskyy predicted that if Ukraine loses the war, Russia will then invade a country that's a North Atlantic Treaty Organization member, forcing the U.S. to defend its allies. Ukraine borders four NATO member countries, but it is not part of the military alliance. Their ruling: Greene claimed that Zelenskyy said he wants America's "sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine." Zelenskyy did not say that. During a press conference, he predicted that if Ukraine loses the war, Russia will invade a NATO member country next. If that happens, Zelenskyy said, Americans would be required to "send their sons and daughters" to war because of NATO's mutual defense treaty. He did not mention U.S. troops going to Ukraine. We rate this claim False.
Social Media Posts Misrepresent Zelenskyy’s Remarks on U.S. Military Involvement

Social Media Posts Misrepresent Zelenskyy’s Remarks on U.S. Military Involvement

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy predicted that if Russia’s invasion of his country is successful, it will invade nearby NATO countries, triggering a war involving the U.S. military. Some conservative commentators misleadingly claimed that he’d called upon the U.S. to “send their sons and daughters to war for Ukraine and potentially die.”
Did Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?

Did Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?

Misleading Material. The clip was removed from its important and clarifying context, giving a misleading impression of what Zelensky said. The Ukrainian leader's remarks were a hypothetical answer about what could happen should Ukraine lose the war to Russia, partially due to decreased support from the United States. [...] Zelensky did not suggest that Americans should send their children to fight now for Ukraine against Russian forces.
Did Bill Gates Call Ukraine 'Big, Fat, Corrupt Sinkhole'?

Did Bill Gates Call Ukraine ‘Big, Fat, Corrupt Sinkhole’?

The words "big, fat, corrupt sinkhole" are not a direct quote, but an interpretation of what Gates is saying in the edited clip. As his quote shows, Gates was referring to "pre-war" Ukraine, crucial context that was omitted from the clip circulating online. It is not clear what Gates' timeframe is for "pre-war"—it could refer to before Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022 or its initial invasion in 2014.

The war in Ukraine isn’t ‘fake,’ and these photos don’t prove that it is

Construction workers in Ukraine have been working to repair homes damaged by missiles during the country's war with Russia. Their efforts have been captured by amateur and professional photographers, as well as multiple news organizations. A photo of a reconstructed building is not proof the war is fake. The war is real and has left thousands of civilians dead. Images from professional and amateur photographers captured the repair progress. European Pressphoto Agency published multiple before-and-after images of the building. One montage of images shared on Twitter on Feb. 26, 2023, appears to show the building repairs at different phases. We rate claims that these images prove the war in Ukraine is fake Pants on Fire!

Claims that Vladimir Putin destroyed an ‘adrenochrome warehouse in Ukraine’ lack evidence

A recent blog post builds on a fictitious narrative that Russian President Vladimir Putin is stymieing the production of adrenochrome in Ukraine.......We found no credible news reports or sources to corroborate the unfounded allegations, which were published on Real Raw News, a site that regularly posts fake news. The blog's stories are written by someone using a pseudonym and the site has a disclaimer saying it contains "humor, parody and satire," though the author has defended his stories as truth. The same site wrote separately that Putin intercepted a shipment of adrenochrome bound for the United States. We rated that Pants on Fire!......We rate claims that Putin destroyed an adrenochrome warehouse in Ukraine Pants on Fire!

Dilapidated train track is in years-old image and isn’t close to East Palestine derailment site

The image in the widespread photo is from a 6-year-old video that showed an old railway in Ohio. It had already been fixed by the time the Feb. 3 derailment happened in East Palestine. The Biden-Harris administration announced plans to help railway infrastructure in Ohio, including managing $4 billion to improve rail safety. A Facebook post said a photo of a dilapidated railroad track shows "what railways in Ohio look like while we send $40 billion to Ukraine." The image used in the post comes from a 6-year-old video, and that railway has since been fixed. We rate this claim False.