Archives Sources

Fake: Spring Sowing Campaign Under Threat As All Grain Taken Out of Ukraine

Preparations for the spring sowing campaign in Ukraine are in full swing.
Despite the Russian invasion, mined fields and the temporary occupation of
some regions, Ukraine is preparing to sow enough grain to not only meet the
country's annual needs, but to also to allow grain and foodstuffs exports
to foreign markets.

Manipulation: Ukraine To Become Uninhabitable – Foreign Affairs

A recent article talks about steps to be taken to help Ukrainian energy networks
avoid collapse in the face of relentless Russian bombardment. The author
argues that this is no less important than the supply of modern weapons.
The possibility of Ukraine becoming uninhabitable is discussed only in the
event of a complete lack of support from the West, and the total Russian
destruction of Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

Fake: Expressing Condolences, Zelenskyy Urges Turkey to Supply Ukraine More Aid

Russian social media users are claiming that while expressing condolences about the tragic earthquake that struck Turkey, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also reminded Ankara that he hopes Turkey will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine. President Zelensky never posted such a tweet, this post is a fake. On the contrary, the Ukrainian President offered help to Turkey and said that Ukrainian rescuers and equipment were being sent to participate in the rescue efforts.

Fake: US Unlikely to Hand over Abrams Tanks to Ukraine’ – Financial Times

The Financial Times article cited in this latest Russian fake claiming the
US is unlikely to actually send Abrams tanks to Ukraine, features several
experts, some of whom said that Ukraine may face difficulties using the
Abrams tanks. However, neither the author of the article nor the experts
featured in the story ever said that the United States could "refuse to
transfer Abrams tanks to Ukraine because of the technically complex process
of maintaining their combat readiness."

Photofake: Anti-Ukrainian Billboards Appear in Poland

The photograph circulated by Russian media and pro-Kremlin social media
users as proof of anti-Ukrainian advertising in Poland, is an example of
basic photoshop manipulation. There are scores of identical photos on the
web which containe different advertisements on the billboards. Using the
Mediamodifier website, your image can be inserted on this billboard with
the same background, completely free of charge.

Fake: Ukrainians in Poland and Great Britain Issued Draft Notices

Russian media claims that draft notices are being issued to Ukrainians in
the UK and Poland are not true. According to Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers
Regulation #1487, Ukrainian diplomatic missions are obliged to inform
Ukrainian citizens of military service age about conscription campaigns and
to facilitate their return to Ukraine in times of mobilization or war. No
one is authorized to serve draft notices abroad, not even diplomatic
workers. The video being circulated online, in which a Telegram user claims
several of his acquaintances received draft notices in their places of
employment in Poland is a blatant lie. Another fake vein, in which a letter
allegedly urging Ukrainians currently living in the UK to report to the
Ukrainian embassy seemingly for military service, is also a forgery.

Debunking claims that Zelensky asked NATO for ‘pre-emptive’ nuclear strikes against Russia – Truth or Fake

A speech made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been quickly misinterpreted by many, in a video circulating on Twitter where he allegedly asks for pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Russia. Zelensky was referring to economic "strikes", not nuclear strikes. We tell you more in this edition of Truth or Fake.

Has Ukraine Banned 19 Million Russian Books From its Libraries?

Has Ukraine Banned 19 Million Russian Books From its Libraries?

The tweet suggests that all 19 million books have been banned, which the details of this story do not clarify. It may also imply incorrectly that only books by Russian authors or about Russia are being removed. Although books such as these may well be removed, the tweet does not summarize the details of this story, or lack thereof, correctly.