FACT CHECK: Breaking Down Nikki Haley’s Claim About Ukraine Aid Spending | Check Your Fact
Mark Cancian, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies' International Security Program:
"Measured by percentage of GDP, the United States at .3% is behind most European countries, with 30 others ahead of the United States. Measured as a percentage of the defense budget, military aid to Ukraine (excluding humanitarian assistance, economic support, and money going to other US agencies) comes to about 3.5% of the defense budget over the two fiscal years of the war. This may be the 3.5% that Haley referred to. I don't have comparisons to other countries. The number needs to be handle cautiously, however, because all the Ukraine aid was added to the budget and did not come out of DoD base budget."
"Bottom line: measured by dollars, the United States is far ahead of other countries. Measured by level of effort, percentage of GDP, many countries exceed the US effort," Cancian added.
Read MoreFACT CHECK: Breaking Down Nikki Haley’s Claim About Ukraine Aid Spending | Check Your Fact