Category Aid oversight

FACT CHECK: Breaking Down Nikki Haley’s Claim About Ukraine Aid Spending | Check Your Fact

Mark Cancian, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies' International Security Program:

"Measured by percentage of GDP, the United States at .3% is behind most European countries, with 30 others ahead of the United States. Measured as a percentage of the defense budget, military aid to Ukraine (excluding humanitarian assistance, economic support, and money going to other US agencies) comes to about 3.5% of the defense budget over the two fiscal years of the war. This may be the 3.5% that Haley referred to. I don't have comparisons to other countries. The number needs to be handle cautiously, however, because all the Ukraine aid was added to the budget and did not come out of DoD base budget."

"Bottom line: measured by dollars, the United States is far ahead of other countries. Measured by level of effort, percentage of GDP, many countries exceed the US effort," Cancian added.

Read MoreFACT CHECK: Breaking Down Nikki Haley’s Claim About Ukraine Aid Spending | Check Your Fact

Yes, aid to Ukraine would continue during a government shutdown

The odds of a shutdown increase the longer Congress goes without reaching a spending agreement. With cuts looming, people asked if aid to Ukraine would halt, too.

ANSWER: Yes, American assistance to Ukraine is among the military programs exempt from the impact of a government shutdown.

Read MoreYes, aid to Ukraine would continue during a government shutdown

No, the U.S. didn’t ‘accidentally’ send an extra $6 billion to Ukraine

No, the U.S. government did not accidentally send an extra $6 billion to Ukraine.

This viral claim takes what actually happened completely out of context. The U.S. actually sent about $6 billion less than it intended in military equipment to Ukraine – not $6 billion more.

That happened because the Pentagon overestimated the value of military equipment sent to the country, meaning it was worth about $6 billion less than originally estimated.

Read MoreNo, the U.S. didn’t ‘accidentally’ send an extra $6 billion to Ukraine

Is This a Real Photograph of Zelenskyy’s Home? |

The above photograph does not show Zelenskyy's home. Using Google's reverse-image search tool, we found the same photograph on a number of real estate websites showing luxury properties in France and Monaco.

Given that the author of the original tweet pulled the photo from real estate profiles of a house in France, without providing any evidence of its ownership, we rate this photograph as "Miscaptioned."

Read MoreIs This a Real Photograph of Zelenskyy’s Home? |

How pro-Russian ‘yacht’ propaganda influenced US debate over Ukraine aid

A website founded by a former US Marine who now lives in Russia has fuelled a rumour that Volodymyr Zelensky purchased two luxury yachts with American aid money. Despite the false claim, the disinformation plot was successful. It took off online and was echoed by members of the US Congress making crucial decisions about military spending.

It was an incredible assertion - using two advisers as proxies, Mr Zelensky paid $75m (£59m) for two yachts. But not only has the Ukrainian government flatly denied the story, the two ships in question have not even been sold.

Read MoreHow pro-Russian ‘yacht’ propaganda influenced US debate over Ukraine aid

Fact Check: Did Zelensky Buy $20 Million Mansion in Florida?

Although Zelensky and his business partners had several offshore companies and properties, according to financial documents leaked in 2021, none of those assets are in Florida.

And the Florida home that purportedly belongs to him actually belongs to a couple who bought the property more than four years ago.

Read MoreFact Check: Did Zelensky Buy $20 Million Mansion in Florida?

The real story behind claims thar Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelens… | Prestige Yacht | TikTok

The real story behind claims thar Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy used millions in U.S. aid money to buy two yachts. #zelenskyy #ukraine?? #yacht #proxy #usaid #ukrainewar #greenscreen

Read MoreThe real story behind claims thar Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelens… | Prestige Yacht | TikTok

Fact Check: Did Ukraine’s Zelensky Buy a $48 Million Yacht?

The Ruling: False.
Volodymyr Zelensky has not bought a $48.9 million yacht, as confirmed by the broker handling its sale.

There is no evidence a similar purchase has been made elsewhere. Funding to Ukraine is heavily audited and itemized, making it very difficult, if not impossible, for Zelensky to make such a purchase using U.S. contributions.

Read MoreFact Check: Did Ukraine’s Zelensky Buy a $48 Million Yacht?