Category Fact checks / debunkings

FACT CHECK: Image Claims To Show Aftermath Of Recent Ukrainian Attack | Check Your Fact

A post shared on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, claims to show a satellite image of the aftermath of the recent Ukrainian strike in Crimea.

Verdict: False
The image is from an August 2022 Ukrainian attack.

Read MoreFACT CHECK: Image Claims To Show Aftermath Of Recent Ukrainian Attack | Check Your Fact

Yes, aid to Ukraine would continue during a government shutdown

The odds of a shutdown increase the longer Congress goes without reaching a spending agreement. With cuts looming, people asked if aid to Ukraine would halt, too.

ANSWER: Yes, American assistance to Ukraine is among the military programs exempt from the impact of a government shutdown.

Read MoreYes, aid to Ukraine would continue during a government shutdown

Claim that there’s ‘zero footage from the Ukraine war’ ignores countless photos and videos

The devastation from the Russia-Ukraine war has been well documented. There are hundreds of legitimate photos and videos depicting war casualties and decimated communities.

Some photos and videos have been documented by news media; other footage has been taken by Ukrainian civilians whose lives were upended by Russia's invasion.

We rate the claim that there is "zero footage of the Ukraine war" Pants on Fire!

Read MoreClaim that there’s ‘zero footage from the Ukraine war’ ignores countless photos and videos

Fake: Three Ukrainians Detained in Israel for Looting

This "news" is spread only by Russian media and Telegram channels. A search for such information in the Israeli media and other sources yielded no results. Obviously, the "news" was invented by Russian propaganda to discredit Ukrainians in the context of the war in Israel.

Read MoreFake: Three Ukrainians Detained in Israel for Looting

Fake: Ukraine Refuses to Evacuate Its Citizens from Israel

The Ukrainian ambassador to Israel said that a plan is currently being developed to evacuate Ukrainians from Israel and from the Gaza Strip. The situation is quite complicated, but the embassy noted that they are making every effort to assist Ukrainian citizens and facilitate their speedy evacuation.

Read MoreFake: Ukraine Refuses to Evacuate Its Citizens from Israel