Category International community

EU to launch platform to fight Russian, Chinese disinformation

EU to launch platform to fight Russian, Chinese disinformation

The European Union will launch a new platform to counter disinformation campaigns by Russia and China amid growing worries, EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said today. A so-called Information Sharing and Analysis Center within the EU's foreign services —the European External Action Service (EEAS) — will seek to track information manipulation by foreign actors and coordinate with the 27 EU countries and the wider community of NGOs. "We need to understand how these disinformation campaigns are organized ... to identify the actors of the manipulation," said Borrell.
Read MoreEU to launch platform to fight Russian, Chinese disinformation
EU warns China on Ukraine disinformation and cyberattacks

EU warns China on Ukraine disinformation and cyberattacks

China should tread carefully when it comes to spreading disinformation and cyberattacks to help Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, European Union digital chief Věra Jourová said Monday. [...] “I have stated that we consider how China interacts with Russia's war against Ukraine to be a determining factor for EU-China relations going forward. This includes of course aspects relating to cybersecurity, and disinformation,” Jourová said in a statement to POLITICO after the EU-China High-Level Digital Dialogue.
Read MoreEU warns China on Ukraine disinformation and cyberattacks
Old Italian rally photo falsely shared as 'anti-war protest' in Ukraine in Sept 2023

Old Italian rally photo falsely shared as ‘anti-war protest’ in Ukraine in Sept 2023

A photo of people gathering in a square has been viewed tens of thousands of times alongside a false claim it shows an anti-war protest in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv in September 2023. The photo in fact predates Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine; it was taken in Turin, Italy in November 2018 and shows a rally to support the construction of a controversial train line.
Read MoreOld Italian rally photo falsely shared as ‘anti-war protest’ in Ukraine in Sept 2023

Disinformation: Russia presented specific evidence to the UN on crimes committed by the Ukrainian authorities against their own citizens in Bucha

Therefore, the Kremlin’s claim that they presented a set of evidence to the UN which proves Ukraine’s crimes in Bucha is fake. That which the Russian Ambassador presented at a special press conference and the UN Security Council are impossible to be considered as “evidence.” Most of them are easily verifiable false claims and the rest is absurd allegations which are not considered as evidence in any format.
Read MoreDisinformation: Russia presented specific evidence to the UN on crimes committed by the Ukrainian authorities against their own citizens in Bucha
UN report details summary executions of civilians by Russian troops in northern Ukraine

UN report details summary executions of civilians by Russian troops in northern Ukraine

KYIV (7 December 2022) – In the initial weeks of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian armed forces summarily executed or carried out attacks on individuals leading to the deaths of hundreds of civilians, the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Matilda Bogner said today. A UN Human Rights report based on the work of the Mission details how Russian troops killed civilians in Ukrainian towns and villages across the Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions of Ukraine from 24 February until 6 April 2022. Bogner said the summary executions examined in the report may constitute a war crime. “There are strong indications that the summary executions documented in this report may constitute the war crime of willful killing,” she said.
Read MoreUN report details summary executions of civilians by Russian troops in northern Ukraine
This is the ‘America First’ case for supporting Ukraine

This is the ‘America First’ case for supporting Ukraine

The lesson of the 20th century is that putting “America First” requires us to project strength and deter our enemies from launching wars of aggression — so that U.S. troops to don’t have to fight and die in another global conflagration. The invasion in Ukraine was a failure of deterrence. Only by helping Ukraine win can we prevent further deterrence failures. If we help Ukraine prevail, we can rewrite the narrative of U.S. weakness; restore deterrence with China; strike a blow against the Sino-Russian alliance; decimate the Russian threat to Europe; increase burden-sharing with our allies; improve our military preparedness for other adversaries; stop a global nuclear arms race; dissuade other nuclear states from launching wars of aggression; and make World War III less likely. The “America First” conclusion: Helping Ukraine is a supreme national interest.
Read MoreThis is the ‘America First’ case for supporting Ukraine
The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine

The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine

As Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, the anti-Ukraine echo chamber will peddle myths and half-truths, including these four: Myth: Washington is writing Kyiv “blank checks” that Americans cannot afford. Myth: There is not enough oversight of US aid to Ukraine. Myth: America is exponentially the largest donor to Ukraine. Myth: Russia is a distraction. The US must focus on China.
Read MoreThe Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine