Category Poland

DISINFO: The Polish special services fabricated documents against the Polish judge for his pro-peace position

This message is a part of a wider narrative about the lack of democracy in Western countries, in this case, it promotes the idea that an "aggressive" Poland persecutes its citizens for their political views.

No evidence is provided to support this claim.

This claim was made in connection with the accusations and statements of the Polish Judge Tomasz Szmydt, who ran away to Belarus on 9 May 2024 seeking "political asylum" in this country. In Poland, he is under the suspicion of espionage in favour of Belarus and was stripped of his immunity.

Read MoreDISINFO: The Polish special services fabricated documents against the Polish judge for his pro-peace position

DISINFO: The Polish, American, British and Ukrainian secret services may hunt the Polish run-away judge down

This message is a part of a wider narrative about the lack of democracy in Western countries, in this case, it promotes the idea that "aggressive" Poland and other democratic countries order political murders of the run-away "dissidents".

No evidence is provided to support this claim, which is part of a classic "whataboutism" along the line "you blame me for bad things, but you do the same yourself". It is a whataboutism attempt to deflect attentiona away from Russia's assignations made in UK (like Alexander Litvinenko), Germany (the Tiergarden murder) and other attempts on political opponent such as former rusisan agent Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia which were targeted with a Novichok chemical nerve critical in Salisbury, UK.

This claim was made in connection with the accusations and statements of the Polish Judge Tomasz Szmydt, who ran away to Belarus on 9 May 2024 seeking "political asylum" in this country. In Poland, he is under the suspicion of espionage in favour of Belarus and was stripped of his immunity.

Read MoreDISINFO: The Polish, American, British and Ukrainian secret services may hunt the Polish run-away judge down

DISINFO: International law expert Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt assesses Ukraine’s war crimes

False claim made in connection with the case of Polish Judge Tomasz Szmydt, who fled to Belarus seeking "political asylum". For several months, he was observed by the Polish special services who suspected him of espionage in favour of Belarus and Russia.

Tomasz Szmydt is not an expert in International Public Law and has limited professional authority to accuse Ukraine of war crimes (see previous accusations in our database).

In 2019, as explained by DW: "Szmydt made headlines when he was identified as being a member of a group of judges waging a smear campaign on social media against other judges"

Read MoreDISINFO: International law expert Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt assesses Ukraine’s war crimes

Fact Check: Putin Defends Hitler’s Invasion of Poland in Carlson Interview


Based on a Russian transcript of Vladimir Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson, Newsweek verified Putin said Adolf Hitler was "forced" to invade Poland, an inaccurate interpretation of the circumstances leading to World War II.

While translations do not use the word "forced" or "compelled", they broadly match its meaning.

Read MoreFact Check: Putin Defends Hitler’s Invasion of Poland in Carlson Interview

Manipulation: Polish and British Special Forces Have Been Fighting in Ukraine Since The Very…

We are talking about training and counseling of the Ukrainian military, which took place long before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. As for the participation of the Poles, the book "Poland at War," cited by the propaganda, confirms that they were withdrawn from the territory of Ukraine after the start of the [full-scale] war at the insistence of the Polish authorities.

Read MoreManipulation: Polish and British Special Forces Have Been Fighting in Ukraine Since The Very…

Fake: Poland to Cease Payments to Ukrainian Refugees Since 2024

As of November 25, Poland has not announced that payments to Ukrainian refugees will be suspended from January 1, 2024. The screenshot, which propaganda alleges to originate from the Polish government website, was edited.

Read MoreFake: Poland to Cease Payments to Ukrainian Refugees Since 2024

Fake: Video Ad Encourages Gays to Join the Armed Forces

The video, which the Russian media presented as an official promotional campaign of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is fake. This compilation of footage from random sources was broadcasted only by propaganda sources.

Read MoreFake: Video Ad Encourages Gays to Join the Armed Forces

Fake: In 1943, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Crucified Four Children

This photo has nothing to do with the Ukrainian national movement and with the events of the 1943 Volyn tragedy. The children in the photo were killed by their own mother Marianna Dolinska on the night of December 11-12, 1923, in the village of Antoniowka near the Polish city Radom.

Read MoreFake: In 1943, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Crucified Four Children

Did Polish police open fire on African refugees fleeing Ukraine? – Fact or Fake

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, over 7 million people have fled the country. Multiple reports have outlined the specific difficulties that African refugees faced as they attempted to cross the Polish border and enter the European Union. Georgina Robertson and Sophie Samaille take a look at a Facebook post falsely claiming that refugees from Africa were shot at by Polish police.

Read MoreDid Polish police open fire on African refugees fleeing Ukraine? – Fact or Fake