Category South Africa

FACT CHECK: Did Vladimir Putin Collapse After Suffering A Heart Attack? | Check Your Fact

Verdict: False
The screenshot appears to be digitally fabricated, as the headline neither appears on the outlet’s website nor its social media accounts. A reverse image search reveals the photos were created using artificial intelligence (AI).

Read MoreFACT CHECK: Did Vladimir Putin Collapse After Suffering A Heart Attack? | Check Your Fact

Did Vladimir Putin really defy his arrest order to travel to South Africa? In short, nope

Did Vladimir Putin recently go to South Africa, defying the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court? That's the claim made by at least two videos that have been shared thousands of times on TikTok and Facebook since late March. This footage, however, is old and doesn't in any way prove that Putin has recently travelled to South Africa.

Read MoreDid Vladimir Putin really defy his arrest order to travel to South Africa? In short, nope