Category USA

Reddit post: damn corrupt americans, only sending weapons in ukraine instead of sending them to hawaii to kill the fires there

Imagine if Biden sent all that aid to Hawaii instead of Ukraine. Daily reminder: when you read news about "the US sending X billion dollars of aid to Ukraine", they aren't sending them money. They are sending older, used equipment worth X billion, which doesn't cost the US taxpayer a single cent. They might even save money, as the government no longer has to pay for the old equipment's storage, guarding, decommissioning, etc.
Read MoreReddit post: damn corrupt americans, only sending weapons in ukraine instead of sending them to hawaii to kill the fires there

Saving by Spending: The True Value and Cost-Effectiveness of U.S. Aid to Ukraine

While the rising number of billions the United States is spending on aid to Ukraine keeps growing, the cost of aid to Ukraine is almost certain to remain comparatively low when compared to the total cost of U.S. security, is a vital investment in deterring future Russian and Chinese aggression, and is likely to save the United States substantial amounts of national security spending in the future.
Read MoreSaving by Spending: The True Value and Cost-Effectiveness of U.S. Aid to Ukraine
This is the ‘America First’ case for supporting Ukraine

This is the ‘America First’ case for supporting Ukraine

The lesson of the 20th century is that putting “America First” requires us to project strength and deter our enemies from launching wars of aggression — so that U.S. troops to don’t have to fight and die in another global conflagration. The invasion in Ukraine was a failure of deterrence. Only by helping Ukraine win can we prevent further deterrence failures. If we help Ukraine prevail, we can rewrite the narrative of U.S. weakness; restore deterrence with China; strike a blow against the Sino-Russian alliance; decimate the Russian threat to Europe; increase burden-sharing with our allies; improve our military preparedness for other adversaries; stop a global nuclear arms race; dissuade other nuclear states from launching wars of aggression; and make World War III less likely. The “America First” conclusion: Helping Ukraine is a supreme national interest.
Read MoreThis is the ‘America First’ case for supporting Ukraine
The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine

The Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine

As Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, the anti-Ukraine echo chamber will peddle myths and half-truths, including these four: Myth: Washington is writing Kyiv “blank checks” that Americans cannot afford. Myth: There is not enough oversight of US aid to Ukraine. Myth: America is exponentially the largest donor to Ukraine. Myth: Russia is a distraction. The US must focus on China.
Read MoreThe Top Myths about US Aid to Ukraine
Is Ukraine Aid Being Spent on Hiring Sex Workers for Soldiers?

Is Ukraine Aid Being Spent on Hiring Sex Workers for Soldiers?

Kyiv is not spending money hiring sex workers for injured soldiers, as the post on X claims. The post quotes part of a BBC article about a rehabilitative service for Ukrainian soldiers run by a support organization called Veteran Hub. It does not employ sex workers and there is no evidence that funding provided to Ukraine or Ukrainian government spending has been used in this way.
Read MoreIs Ukraine Aid Being Spent on Hiring Sex Workers for Soldiers?
Joe Rogan Claims U.S. Accidentally Sent $6.2 Billion to Ukraine

Joe Rogan Claims U.S. Accidentally Sent $6.2 Billion to Ukraine

The U.S. did not accidentally send $6.2 billion to Ukraine. An overestimation of the cost of some military hardware meant that $6.2 billion was not spent in the transfer of U.S. stocks to Ukraine. While the DOD has said that this can now be used toward future stock drawdowns authorized by the president, that does not mean $6.2 billion has been sent accidentally, and all that implies, to Ukraine.
Read MoreJoe Rogan Claims U.S. Accidentally Sent $6.2 Billion to Ukraine