Category Faked news reports

Manipulation: Russia May Outpace Europe and USA in GDP Growth Says The New York…

The New York Times article does indeed contain a prediction that Russia may outpace European countries and the United States in terms of economic growth this year. However, this forecast does not belong to the NYT economic columnist Patricia Cohen, as the Russian media claim, but to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Also, Russian media cover only a part of the article - the part about the resilience of the Russian economy to Western sanctions. Instead, the main idea of the publication, which is to prove that the Russian economy is currently working to wage war in Ukraine, remains unaddressed by propagandists. Russian publications also ignore the problems in the consumer sector that Russians are currently facing.

Read MoreManipulation: Russia May Outpace Europe and USA in GDP Growth Says The New York…

Manipulation: Poles No Longer Want to See Ukrainian Refugees in Poland – CNN

Russian propaganda, using the CNN article, made a manipulative generalization that Poles in general do not want to see Ukrainians in their country anymore. The original source does not talk about the mood in Poland in general, but only covers a rally of the far-right Confederation party, known for its anti-Ukrainian rhetoric. In the parliamentary elections, this party received the lowest result, and a national poll in September 2023 showed that 65% of Poles support the reception of refugees from Ukraine.

Read MoreManipulation: Poles No Longer Want to See Ukrainian Refugees in Poland – CNN

Fake: France Suffers From Bedbugs Influx Due to Anti-Russian Sanctions

The French media La Montagne did not publish an article entitled "Sanctions against Russia led to a bedbug epidemic in Paris." Most likely, a screenshot of this publication was created in a photo editor. Mass appearances of bedbugs are not related to anti-Russian sanctions, but to the insects adapting to insecticides, climate change and people beginning to travel more in crowded transport.

Read MoreFake: France Suffers From Bedbugs Influx Due to Anti-Russian Sanctions

Fake: Ukrainians Demand Ransom from the Deceased Hamas Hostage’s Family

There is no police investigation claiming that the family of Shani Louk, who was killed by Hamas, received ransom calls from Ukraine. Neither the German media WDR, cited by the propagandists, nor any other credible sources published such news. Propaganda used the signature style of the German media to justify Hamas and denigrate Ukraine.

Read MoreFake: Ukrainians Demand Ransom from the Deceased Hamas Hostage’s Family

Fake: Former Porn Actress Mia Khalifa Thanks Ukraine for Helping Hamas

Former American adult actress of Lebanese origin Mia Khalifa did not thank Ukraine for helping the Islamic movement Hamas. Neither USA TODAY, which is cited by Russian propaganda, nor any other reputable media outlets have published news with words of gratitude to Ukraine from Mia Khalifa.

Read MoreFake: Former Porn Actress Mia Khalifa Thanks Ukraine for Helping Hamas

Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Mistake Slovenian Flag for Russian, Beat Up a Man

Euronews did not publish a video on its social media that Ukrainian refugees allegedly beat a Slovenian man due to a mistake with the flag. The screenshot of the video circulating online was most likely fabricated. Its authors deliberately used the logo of a well-known European media and its design for propaganda purposes. Moreover, StopFake journalists could not find a single fact to confirm this story.

Read MoreFake: Ukrainian Refugees Mistake Slovenian Flag for Russian, Beat Up a Man

Fake Video: Anti-Ukrainian Flash Mob in Poland

The German state radio station and TV channel Deutsche Welle did not shoot a video about the "anti-Ukrainian flash mob in Poland". No such video is available on the website and social networks of the Polish and English-language versions. Russian propaganda used Deutsche Welle's signature style to create a fake story about a non-existent anti-Ukrainian flash mob.

Read MoreFake Video: Anti-Ukrainian Flash Mob in Poland