Category Disinformation

McCaul Delivers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Hearing on Ukraine Oversight and Accountability

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul: "It’s imperative the American people know about the existing accountability mechanisms [on US assistance to Ukraine], including third-party monitors such as Deloitte, and the robust oversight being conducted by Congress, and in particular, this committee."

Read MoreMcCaul Delivers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Hearing on Ukraine Oversight and Accountability
RFK Jr. Claims U.S. Pushed Ukraine to War With Russia

RFK Jr. Claims U.S. Pushed Ukraine to War With Russia

No evidence was provided to support the claim Johnson blocked a peace agreement, and the claim that Russia withdrew its forces from Kyiv due to an agreement with Zelensky is widely disputed by political and military experts.

Newsweek has put each of the claims it investigated to RFK Jr.'s spokespeople via email. There has been no response as of the time of publication.

Unless RFK Jr. can provide substantive proof to support some of his arguments, the claims the Democratic hopeful made on Fox News simply do not match the facts.

Read MoreRFK Jr. Claims U.S. Pushed Ukraine to War With Russia
Does Video Show 'Mass Surrender' of Ukrainian Troops?

Does Video Show ‘Mass Surrender’ of Ukrainian Troops?

While footage and claims from Wagner should be treated cautiously, it stands to reason that had the video depicted a mass surrender, then Prigozhin or his representatives would have heralded that fact and not a prisoner exchange.

In short, based on footage from the Wagner Group and other news sources, Newsweek can confirm the aerial footage is not of a Ukrainian mass surrender.

Read MoreDoes Video Show ‘Mass Surrender’ of Ukrainian Troops?

No, Elijah Wood did not urge Volodymyr Zelensky to seek treatment for alleged addictions

A video has been circulating online that allegedly shows "Lord of the Rings" actor Elijah Wood giving the Ukrainian president advice on how to tackle his alleged drug and alcohol addictions. He can be seen recording himself and talking to a so-called "Vladimir". However, the video has been heavily edited and his agent has confirmed it was not published by the actor.

Read MoreNo, Elijah Wood did not urge Volodymyr Zelensky to seek treatment for alleged addictions
Illustration of a hand putting a ballot into a ballot box.

No, Zelensky hasn’t “canceled” Ukrainian elections

Accusations have circulated on social media that President Zelensky of Ukraine has cancelled elections in Ukraine, and extended martial law in order to remain in power.

In fact, holding elections now, under wartime conditions, would almost guarantee another Zelensky victory. It would also be illegal under Ukrainian laws that predate Zelensky's time in power.

Read MoreNo, Zelensky hasn’t “canceled” Ukrainian elections
Did Elijah Wood Tell Zelensky via Instagram to Go to Rehab?

Did Elijah Wood Tell Zelensky via Instagram to Go to Rehab?

Apart from the fact that the video has been bizarrely edited, it does not mention Zelensky, only someone named Vladimir, and is attributed to an Instagram account with no web presence.

Elijah Wood does not have a public Instagram account and the video being shared of him online, allegedly asking Zelensky to seek treatment, is the only recording available. The video appears to have been spread as a Russian propaganda effort and to promote a dubious documentary that falsely credits Tom Cruise as its star.

Although Newsweek is yet to hear from Wood's representatives for comment, we are confident that the video and claims surrounding it are, respectively, inauthentic and false.

Read MoreDid Elijah Wood Tell Zelensky via Instagram to Go to Rehab?
Joe Rogan Claims U.S. Accidentally Sent $6.2 Billion to Ukraine

Joe Rogan Claims U.S. Accidentally Sent $6.2 Billion to Ukraine

The U.S. did not accidentally send $6.2 billion to Ukraine. An overestimation of the cost of some military hardware meant that $6.2 billion was not spent in the transfer of U.S. stocks to Ukraine.

While the DOD has said that this can now be used toward future stock drawdowns authorized by the president, that does not mean $6.2 billion has been sent accidentally, and all that implies, to Ukraine.

Read MoreJoe Rogan Claims U.S. Accidentally Sent $6.2 Billion to Ukraine

Resource: “Vatnik Soup” – a guide to pro-Russian propagandists

A project by Finnish academic Pekka Kallioniemi:

"#vatniksoup is a Twitter thread series (and a hashtag!) where I’ll introduce pro-Russian actors and propagandists from around the world, be they so-called “independent journalists”, politicians, military personnel or just regular grifters looking to get some easy money.

The series also has introductions and deeper insights on how online propaganda and disinformation works and is spread. For example, I’ll talk about troll farms, social media manipulation and Russia’s online information operations."

Read MoreResource: “Vatnik Soup” – a guide to pro-Russian propagandists