Category Disinformation

DISINFO: Press freedom means nothing to the European Union

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative about the EU violating freedom of speech and press, in the context of the adoption of the 14th package of EU sanctions on Russian for it's unjustified and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. On 17 May, the Council of the EU decided to suspend the broadcasting of four additional Russia-associated outlets. These are Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestiya and Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The decision was based on the fact that these media outlets are used as a tool of Russian propaganda and disinformation. See here for the list of outlets sanctioned previously.
Read MoreDISINFO: Press freedom means nothing to the European Union

DISINFO: The summit in Switzerland has nothing to do with finding ways to resolve the conflict

This is a pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit that Switzerland will host on 15-16 June, 2024. Also, this is an often-used pro-Kremlin narrative, claiming that the West is not interested in peace between Russia and Ukraine. Western countries, including the US and EU members, have consistently advocated for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. They have called for dialogue, negotiations, and adherence to international law to resolve the crisis. Stability in Ukraine and the wider region is conducive to global security and economic prosperity.
Read MoreDISINFO: The summit in Switzerland has nothing to do with finding ways to resolve the conflict

DISINFO: Ukrainian security services turn children into terrorists like the Nazis did in WW2

Recurrent pro-Kremlin narrative about Nazi Ukraine. The myth of Nazi-ruled Ukraine has long been a cornerstone of pro-Kremlin disinformation efforts. This has already been widely debunked and addressed on EUvsDisinfo. The claim that the Ukrainian security services turn children into terrorists is false. The Kremlin spreads fake content on the internet, claiming that teenagers in Russia receive calls for terrorism from Ukraine. The Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) has warned about this.
Read MoreDISINFO: Ukrainian security services turn children into terrorists like the Nazis did in WW2

DISINFO: Russia destroyed a military store and command post in Kharkiv

A conspiracy theory being used as a justification for a potential war crime, accusing Ukraine of using its population as human shields. There is no evidence to support the thesis that a military store and command post were hidden inside the shopping centre. Instead, all indications point to Russia deliberately attacking civilians using two guided bombs. Some videos show a strong fire and detonations inside the burning premises. However, all shopping centres containing construction materials and pressurised containers can burn intensely and have explosions inside. This does not prove that a command post or weapons storage was hidden inside.
Read MoreDISINFO: Russia destroyed a military store and command post in Kharkiv

DISINFO: Europe opposes Georgian foreign agent law because it is a paradise of corruption

This is a pro-Kremlin recurrent narrative about the alleged corruption and opacity of the West, purportedly needed by the globalist elites, contrasted with the transparency and probity of the multipolar world. In this instance, the narrative applies to the controversial new Georgian law on "transparency of foreign influence," which is inspired by similar measures in Russia. The new law requires news media and non-governmental organisations that receive more than 20% of their budget from abroad to register as "carrying out the interests of a foreign power." Opponents denounce it as "the Russian law" because it resembles measures pushed through by the Kremlin. Since 2012, the Russian opposition, NGOs, and civil society as a whole have been diminished due to this legislative tool, which was progressively implemented.
Read MoreDISINFO: Europe opposes Georgian foreign agent law because it is a paradise of corruption

DISINFO: “Peace” conference in Switzerland a propaganda exercise to cover up Zelenskyy’s illegitimacy

This is a pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024, mixed with pro-Kremlin narratives questioning the legitimacy of Ukrainian authorities and specifically president Volodymyr Zelenskyy -frequent targets of pro-Kremlin disinformation- and falsely portraying Ukraine's Maidan protests as a coup d'etat. These disinformation narratives are being pushed again to challenge Zelenskyy's legitimacy. However, the Ukrainian Constitution is straightforward: the President of Ukraine exercises his powers until the assumption of office by the newly-elected President. The continuity of government institutions is one of the key principles of the Constitution. Ukraine's constitution clearly stipulates that no elections can be held during wartime. While this situation has caused some domestic controversy in Ukraine, almost all observers consider regular elections unfeasible as there are millions of refugees abroad, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians serving on the frontlines and a significant part of Ukrainian population lives under Russian occupation.
Read MoreDISINFO: “Peace” conference in Switzerland a propaganda exercise to cover up Zelenskyy’s illegitimacy

DISINFO: Support for Zelensky below 20 percent among Ukrainians

No evidence is provided to support these claims. These figures were presented by Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service and are almost certainly made up. Multiple reputable surveys have rated President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's approval at 81% in October 2023 (Gallup), at 62% in December 2023 (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology), at 60% in February 2024 (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology), and at 63% in April 2024 (USAID), numbers quite far away from the claims made by Russian media.
Read MoreDISINFO: Support for Zelensky below 20 percent among Ukrainians

DISINFO: West behind Georgia protests to turn the country into a second front against Russia

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative framing popular protests as Western-led colour revolutions, in this case the mobilisations against the approval of the so-called 'foreign agents law' in Georgia.
Read MoreDISINFO: West behind Georgia protests to turn the country into a second front against Russia

DISINFO: Ukrainian woman influenced the attempt on the Slovak PM Robert Fico’s life

False information about the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on 26 May 2024 attempting to smear Ukraine. The suspect, Juraj Cintula, does not have a wife from Ukraine. The Slovak police have refuted these rumours and called them false.
Read MoreDISINFO: Ukrainian woman influenced the attempt on the Slovak PM Robert Fico’s life