Category Disinformation

Manipulation: UN Encourages to Stop Drone Attacks on Moscow

UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq neither encouraged to end any attacks on Moscow, nor spoke in their favor. The organization representative spoke against "any and all attacks on civilian facilities" and expressed the wish that they stop.

Read MoreManipulation: UN Encourages to Stop Drone Attacks on Moscow

FACT CHECK: No, German Satirical Magazine The Titanic’s June 2023 Cover Does Not Show Volodymr Zelenskyy | Check Your Fact

A photo shared on Facebook alleges German satirical magazine The Titanic depicted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with his pants down.

Verdict: False
The alleged cover cannot be found in an archive of Titanic Magazine's recent covers and cannot be found on any of its verified social media accounts.

Read MoreFACT CHECK: No, German Satirical Magazine The Titanic’s June 2023 Cover Does Not Show Volodymr Zelenskyy | Check Your Fact

No, Russia didn’t capture a US Patriot missile launcher to give to China

Did Russia really capture a bunch of US missiles in Ukraine and give them to China? No, but posts featuring that bit of fake news have been garnering thousands of views on social media since May 13. Many of these posts feature a photo said to show these missiles in China. While the photo was indeed taken in China, it actually shows a non-operational replica of these missiles, according to military experts interviewed by our team.

Read MoreNo, Russia didn’t capture a US Patriot missile launcher to give to China

This image of an explosion behind Putin’s ‘stability’ billboard is literally too good to be true

After Russian President Vladimir Putin was reelected on March 17, a photo went viral showing an explosion behind one of his campaign posters featuring the slogan 'stability'. However, it turns out that this image was created by a Ukrainian designer.

Read MoreThis image of an explosion behind Putin’s ‘stability’ billboard is literally too good to be true

What we know about this footage alleged to show ‘Russia moving nuclear missiles’?

People online have been widely circulating footage that they say shows the Russians transporting nuclear weapons, which some claim is in response to Sweden joining NATO. However, there is actually a different explanation for these images - which have already been taken out of context in the past. Similar videos are posted every year showing preparations for a military parade held annually in Russia on May 9.

Read MoreWhat we know about this footage alleged to show ‘Russia moving nuclear missiles’?

FAKE: Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to create same-sex unions more often – Zaluzhnyi

A screenshot of the news, which was allegedly published on the website, is being spread online. It says that Valerii Zaluzhnyi allegedly reported that the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to create same-sex unions more often.

However, this is a fake. Zaluzhnyi did not make such statements, and there is no such publication on the website.

Read MoreFAKE: Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to create same-sex unions more often – Zaluzhnyi