Category Misconceptions

Tulsi Gabbard falsely claims US ‘not so different’ from Russia on freedom of speech

Since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has restricted dissenting voices, independent news reporting and public discourse on social media platforms.

A new law in Russia threatens up to 15 years of prison time for spreading information about the war that authorities consider to be "false."

There are no parallels in the U.S., where freedom of speech, expression and the press are safeguarded by the Constitution. Gabbard alleged censorship by social media companies, but experts say those claims are not supported by evidence.

Our ruling
Gabbard said, "What is happening here is not so different from what we're seeing happening in Russia, where you have got state TV and controlled messaging across the board."

Since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia ' a country with a long history of suppressing free speech and access to information ' has restricted dissenting voices, independent news reporting and public discourse on social media platforms, including with a new law threatening prison time for spreading "false" information about the war. Those measures are without parallel in the U.S., where freedom of speech, expression and the press are enshrined in the Constitution.

We rate Gabbard's claim Pants on Fire!

Read MoreTulsi Gabbard falsely claims US ‘not so different’ from Russia on freedom of speech

News and other programs are broadcast live on Russian television, despite claims otherwise

An employee at state-owned Channel One in Russia recently interrupted a live news broadcast to protest the war in Ukraine.

Multiple experts say there are live news broadcasts and other live events on Russian TV.

A former employee of the station said that all Channel One news is live. An expert we spoke with said that's because of the country's many time zones.

Our ruling
A Facebook post said that a Russian journalist's protest during a state TV broadcast couldn't be real because "there are no live on air television broadcasts in Russia. None. Ever."

But experts we spoke with, including journalists who have worked in Russia, said that is not true. There are many live broadcasts, including the news show that was interrupted by an employee's protest. There has been no evidence presented that shows her actions were staged as part of a Russian propaganda effort.

We rate this claim False.

Read MoreNews and other programs are broadcast live on Russian television, despite claims otherwise

News video of shot up car was filmed in Ukraine, not West Virginia

A West Virginia State Police captain confirmed that the Uber's window decal was an expired inspection sticker from the state. But that doesn't mean that the car itself wasn't in Ukraine.

The video showing the car was recorded in Irpin, Ukraine, according to Reuters, which owns the video.

It's not uncommon for cars to be exported from the U.S. to other countries, including Ukraine.

Our ruling
A Facebook post claimed that "a West Virginia inspection sticker on an Uber" proves the car was not in Ukraine.

A West Virginia State Police Captain confirmed that the decal on the car was an expired sticker from the state. However, this doesn't mean that the car wasn't in Ukraine ' a spokesperson for Reuters, which owns the video, confirmed that the video was filmed there.

It's not uncommon for cars to be exported from the U.S. to other countries, including Ukraine.

We rate this claim False.

Read MoreNews video of shot up car was filmed in Ukraine, not West Virginia
Social Media Posts Misrepresent Victims of Hospital Bombed in Mariupol

Social Media Posts Misrepresent Victims of Hospital Bombed in Mariupol

Russian planes bombed a hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine, on March 9, killing three people and injuring at least 17, including two pregnant women seen in photos shared around the world. Social media posts falsely claimed one woman “posed” as the two women. One of the women died of her injuries, along with her baby; the other gave birth to a daughter.

Read MoreSocial Media Posts Misrepresent Victims of Hospital Bombed in Mariupol

This video showing Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy passes was filmed before the current war

Tens of thousands of people have watched a video posted on Facebook that allegedly shows Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy carries religious relics through the streets of Kyiv to a bunker. However, this video is actually from several years ago and shows a funeral procession for fallen soldiers in another part of Ukraine.

Read MoreThis video showing Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy passes was filmed before the current war

American megachurches are offering support to Ukraine, despite claims on social media

Multiple megachurches around the United States have been raising funds to help Ukrainians during Russia's invasion.

Gateway Church, another megachurch in Texas, has set up a crisis relief fund to support people in Ukraine and the surrounding region.

Saddleback Church, a megachurch located in Lake Forest, California, has an advance relief team connecting with local pastors in Ukraine and Poland who are caring for hundreds of Ukrainian refugees. The church's website features ways people can help and has provided multiple updates on its efforts in the region.

The Rock Church, a megachurch in San Diego, California, is directing people to its partner organization, Crisis Response International, and told PolitiFact that it's in the process of establishing a Ukraine relief fund.

Crossroads Church, an Ohio-based megachurch, partners with humanitarian and disaster relief organizations Convoy of Hope and World Vision, which both have operations on the ground in Ukraine.

Other church networks, like the United Methodist Committee on Relief and Catholic Relief Services, are collecting donations and deploying staff and resources.

We rate posts that say no megachurches are raising money for Ukraine relief False.

Read MoreAmerican megachurches are offering support to Ukraine, despite claims on social media

A pre-recorded video? The pro-Russian hoax suggesting that Volodymyr Zelensky has left Ukraine

Russian media outlets, including Russia Today, are falsely claiming that the video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to a Kyiv hospital on March 13 was recorded last month, fuelling speculation that he has fled the country.

Read MoreA pre-recorded video? The pro-Russian hoax suggesting that Volodymyr Zelensky has left Ukraine