Category Narratives

DISINFO: NATO plans to draw Belarus and Russia into the war through border provocations

Poland and NATO are repeatedly presented by pro-Kremlin disinformation outlets as an aggressive forces planning anti-Russian provocations and posing a security threat to Russia. This is in line with how pro-Kremlin outlets portray NATO and Western countries as aggressive towards Russia. See our article All roads lead to Poland.

This claim was made in connection with the accusations and statements of the Polish Judge Tomasz Szmydt, who ran away to Belarus on 9 May 2024 seeking "political asylum" in this country. In Poland, he is under the suspicion of espionage in favour of Belarus and was stripped of his immunity.

When in Belarus, Tomasz Szmydt appeared on the Belarus state outlet of Belta as well as RT and Sputnik with allegations against on the current Polish government.

Read MoreDISINFO: NATO plans to draw Belarus and Russia into the war through border provocations

DISINFO: The West is using the imaginary Russian threat to escalate the arms race

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative claiming that Russia is not a threat. The aim of this disinformation claim appears to be deflecting attention away from Russia's responsibility for its hostile policy and war of aggression against Ukraine. The article also accuses the West of warmongering, and of having an allegedly belligerent and hostile agenda against Russia.

The West did not start the war and was not interested in war in the heart of Europe.

The Russian threat is not a myth. Russia started the bloodiest war in the 21st century, violating international and humanitarian law. Russia is destroying Ukraine, its population, cities, and vital infrastructure.

Read MoreDISINFO: The West is using the imaginary Russian threat to escalate the arms race

DISINFO: Boris Johnson called on Kyiv not to sign any peace deal with Russia and just fight

A recurring disinformation narrative in pro-Kremlin outlets claiming that Ukraine and its allies are not interested in peace.

The claim, which is also timed to smear Ukraine ahead of the international peace conference hosted in Switzerland 15-16 June 2024, is part of an ongoing pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign in Russia's illegal full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The claim seeks to paint the Ukrainian government as warmongering and Russia as peace-lover / peace proposer. It also attempts to portray Ukraine as a Western puppet state.

Read MoreDISINFO: Boris Johnson called on Kyiv not to sign any peace deal with Russia and just fight

DISINFO: The Switzerland peace conference is set up to issue useless ultimatums to Russia

This is an pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024.

Following Ukraine's request, Switzerland has invited over 160 delegations from around the world to join for the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine. The invitees include members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, as well as the EU, three international organisations and religious representatives. According to the Swiss government, the summit aims to create a framework favourable to comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as "a concrete roadmap for Russia's participation in the peace process."

If the summit does not provide fruitful results, it will be because of Russia's impossible preconditions for a peaceful settlement. Russia refuses to engage in any talks before the "unconditional surrender of the Kiev [sic] regime."

Read MoreDISINFO: The Switzerland peace conference is set up to issue useless ultimatums to Russia

DISINFO: Russia is open to fair dialogue on Ukraine

This is an often used pro-Kremlin narrative according to which the West is interested in prolonging the war in Ukraine.

The assertion that Western countries harbour a desire for the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine lacks any substantial foundation and is devoid of factual support. Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have a track record of pretending negotiations which are, in fact, just blunt demands for Ukrainian unconditional surrender. We have analysed and exposed this disinformation tactic in several articles, especially: "Prepare for winter" (30 Nov. 2023), "Russian so-called 'peace proposals' are empty PR stunts" (18 Jan. 2023) , "What He Said and What it Really Means - Vol. 2: "Negotiations" (1. March 2022) and "The Kremlin security demands" (21 Dec. 2021).

Read MoreDISINFO: Russia is open to fair dialogue on Ukraine

No, Ukraine is not taking money from Hawai’i relief

In the wake of the devastating wildfires on Hawai’i in August 2023, viral posts falsely claimed that the US government would only provide $700 in aid each to affected households.

In fact, the federal government responded quickly to the horrific disaster in Maui, conducting extensive rescue operations and providing aid far in excess of $700 per household.

Read MoreNo, Ukraine is not taking money from Hawai’i relief

Russia did not invade Ukraine to stop a NATO genocide in eastern regions

The Verdict: False.
There is no evidence that the people of eastern Ukraine were subject to systematic extermination. [...]

The claim was spread widely after [Russian Foreign Affairs official] Maria Zakharova [...] stated in February 2022 that there was a "systematic extermination of the Donbas population." However, an OSCE monitoring mission active in Ukraine since 2014 has found no evidence of mass targeted killings of civilians in the Donbas region. The Russian Foreign Ministry has not provided any proof to back up Zakharova's claim.

Read MoreRussia did not invade Ukraine to stop a NATO genocide in eastern regions

No, Volodymyr Zelensky didn’t buy a villa in Florida

Did Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky buy a house in Florida? And did he get American citizenship? Those are the rumors circulating on social media along with a couple of photos. However, the villa that appears in the photos is still up for sale and the certificate of nationality is fake, making this the latest example of fake news stories implying that Ukrainian officials are using international aid money for personal purposes.

Read MoreNo, Volodymyr Zelensky didn’t buy a villa in Florida

Fake: Ukrainian Resort Bukovel Saves Guests from Mobilization for Money

In a comment to StopFake, the resort's press service denied the existence of such a service and noted that representatives of Territorial drafting centers have full access to the territory of Bukovel.

Read MoreFake: Ukrainian Resort Bukovel Saves Guests from Mobilization for Money

Fake: Ukrainian Government Tried to Sell Scythian Gold at Sotheby’s – Bloomberg

This news is fake, and the story of the attempted sale of Scythian gold is made up. Bloomberg did not publish such stories either on its website or in its social media. Currently, the archaeological objects known as Scythian gold from Crimea, returned to Ukraine from the Netherlands, are under close guard at the National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

Read MoreFake: Ukrainian Government Tried to Sell Scythian Gold at Sotheby’s – Bloomberg