Category Narratives

9 Doctored Pics and Deepfakes of Volodymyr Zelenskyy |

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been the subject of numerous false rumors, particularly in the form of doctored or misleading photographs and video footage.

From a manipulated deepfake video of Zelenskyy supposedly telling Ukrainian soldiers to surrender to Russia to false claims he displayed Nazi logos on his clothes, there is no shortage of examples.

Read More9 Doctored Pics and Deepfakes of Volodymyr Zelenskyy |
Social Media Posts Misrepresent Zelenskyy’s Remarks on U.S. Military Involvement

Social Media Posts Misrepresent Zelenskyy’s Remarks on U.S. Military Involvement

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy predicted that if Russia’s invasion of his country is successful, it will invade nearby NATO countries, triggering a war involving the U.S. military. Some conservative commentators misleadingly claimed that he’d called upon the U.S. to “send their sons and daughters to war for Ukraine and potentially die.”

Read MoreSocial Media Posts Misrepresent Zelenskyy’s Remarks on U.S. Military Involvement
Did Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?

Did Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?

Misleading Material. The clip was removed from its important and clarifying context, giving a misleading impression of what Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian leader's remarks were a hypothetical answer about what could happen should Ukraine lose the war to Russia, partially due to decreased support from the United States. [...]

Zelensky did not suggest that Americans should send their children to fight now for Ukraine against Russian forces.

Read MoreDid Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?

The war in Ukraine isn’t ‘fake,’ and these photos don’t prove that it is

Construction workers in Ukraine have been working to repair homes damaged by missiles during the country's war with Russia. Their efforts have been captured by amateur and professional photographers, as well as multiple news organizations.

A photo of a reconstructed building is not proof the war is fake. The war is real and has left thousands of civilians dead.

Images from professional and amateur photographers captured the repair progress. European Pressphoto Agency published multiple before-and-after images of the building. One montage of images shared on Twitter on Feb. 26, 2023, appears to show the building repairs at different phases.

We rate claims that these images prove the war in Ukraine is fake Pants on Fire!

Read MoreThe war in Ukraine isn’t ‘fake,’ and these photos don’t prove that it is

Claims that Vladimir Putin destroyed an ‘adrenochrome warehouse in Ukraine’ lack evidence

A recent blog post builds on a fictitious narrative that Russian President Vladimir Putin is stymieing the production of adrenochrome in Ukraine.......We found no credible news reports or sources to corroborate the unfounded allegations, which were published on Real Raw News, a site that regularly posts fake news. The blog's stories are written by someone using a pseudonym and the site has a disclaimer saying it contains "humor, parody and satire," though the author has defended his stories as truth.

The same site wrote separately that Putin intercepted a shipment of adrenochrome bound for the United States. We rated that Pants on Fire!......We rate claims that Putin destroyed an adrenochrome warehouse in Ukraine Pants on Fire!

Read MoreClaims that Vladimir Putin destroyed an ‘adrenochrome warehouse in Ukraine’ lack evidence

Vladimir Putin didn’t intercept shipment of chemical compound adrenochrome

Adrenochrome features heavily in QAnon conspiracy theories, which purport the baseless idea that a global cabal of pedophiles is harvesting the chemical from the blood of children to stay young and healthy.
That's false, and so is the claim that Putin foiled a shipment of it.

We found no credible news reports or other sources to corroborate the claims in this post.

Real Raw News has a disclaimer saying it contains "humor, parody and satire," though the author has defended his stories as truth. The website also regularly publishes false, fantastical stories authored by someone using a pseudonym.

We rate this baseless post Pants on Fire!

Read MoreVladimir Putin didn’t intercept shipment of chemical compound adrenochrome
Posts Misquote Biden’s Year-Old Remarks on Tanks for Ukraine

Posts Misquote Biden’s Year-Old Remarks on Tanks for Ukraine

President Joe Biden announced on Jan. 25 that the U.S. would provide Ukraine with 31 tanks. After the announcement, a meme on social media misquoted Biden’s remarks from March 2022, suggesting he said that sending tanks to Ukraine would cause World War III. Biden said sending weapons “with American pilots and American crews” would cause a world war.

Read MorePosts Misquote Biden’s Year-Old Remarks on Tanks for Ukraine
Did Biden Say Sending Tanks to Ukraine Would Cause World War 3?

Did Biden Say Sending Tanks to Ukraine Would Cause World War 3?

In March 2022, Biden said the supply of tanks and other equipment with—crucially— American troops on the ground would amount to what he described as "World War 3".

While the arrival of M1-Abrams tanks to Ukraine is new, the U.S. has funded the upgrade and supply of Soviet-era tanks to Kyiv.

Read MoreDid Biden Say Sending Tanks to Ukraine Would Cause World War 3?

Tweets distort Biden’s comments on tanks, Ukraine and World War III

President Joe Biden announced on Jan. 25, 2023, that the U.S. is sending 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

Earlier in the war, almost a year ago, Biden said, "The idea that we're going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, just understand … that's called 'World War III.'"

A widely shared meme shortened Biden's quote to make it appear as if he said sending tanks alone to Ukraine would cause World War III.

A meme shared in a tweet claimed that in March, Biden said, "The idea that we're going to send in tanks to Ukraine, that's called World War III." Biden announced the U.S. will be sending M1 Abrams tanks about 10 months later.

The quote is edited to leave out the full context of Biden's comments. He said the U.S. would not be sending offensive equipment and planes, tanks and trains with U.S. pilots and crews.

We rate the claim False.

Read MoreTweets distort Biden’s comments on tanks, Ukraine and World War III