Category Russia

Ukraine: How a film clip fuelled false claims the war is staged – Truth or Fake

Lights, camera, action! A viral video of soldiers falling to the ground from explosions - with cameras present - has fuelled accusations the war in Ukraine is staged. But it's simply behind-the-scenes footage of a Ukrainian short film. We spoke exclusively to the producer and director in this edition of Truth or Fake with Vedika Bahl.

Read MoreUkraine: How a film clip fuelled false claims the war is staged – Truth or Fake

Digitized images are from a video game; they’re not from Ukraine war footage

A recent Facebook post suggests that the video featured in it shows footage of the war in Ukraine but the video in question is from a video game.

Searching for the post's video description turns up a YouTube post from about a year earlier. It has the same description, but identifies the video as being from "Arma 3," a military simulation game.

We rate claims that this clip shows real footage from the war in Ukraine False.

Read MoreDigitized images are from a video game; they’re not from Ukraine war footage

No, this video doesn’t show Ukrainians setting fire to an Orthodox church

Did Ukrainians really set a Russian Orthodox church on fire? A video purporting to show just that has been circulating online since April 5, 2023. However, it turns out that this video was filmed in Russia more than ten years ago and shows an accidental fire.

Read MoreNo, this video doesn’t show Ukrainians setting fire to an Orthodox church

Fake: Photo and Video Recording to Be Banned At Ukrainian Cemeteries

There is no such law draft on the Ukrainian parliament's website, nor is there any information about this initiative. The screenshot of the Ukrinform website is fake, as the informational agency did not publish this news either.

Read MoreFake: Photo and Video Recording to Be Banned At Ukrainian Cemeteries

No, Ukrainians did not set fire to an Orthodox Church – Truth or Fake

In Ukraine, fake news continues to fuel the information war. In recent days, a video purporting to show a Ukrainian Orthodox church on fire has appeared on social media, with captions accusing "radical Ukrainians" of arson. The claims fit neatly into a Russian narrative that accuses Ukrainians of persecuting followers of the Moscow Patriarchate wing of the Church. But as we explain in this edition, the video is bogus.

Read MoreNo, Ukrainians did not set fire to an Orthodox Church – Truth or Fake

Russian embassy shares AI-generated image of Julian Assange in prison

The Russian Embassy in Kenya shared an image on Twitter on April 6 showing an exhausted-looking Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, who has been incarcerated in the United Kingdom since 2019. However, it turns out that one of his supporters generated the image using artificial intelligence.

Read MoreRussian embassy shares AI-generated image of Julian Assange in prison

Fake: US Permits Ukraine to Strike Russia’s New Territories

This information is fake. The White House did not permit Ukraine to strike Russian territory. On the contrary, the White House's National Security Council strategic communications coordinator John Kirby stated that the US does not 'enable or encourage' the Ukrainian Forces to strike outside Ukraine and will only assist the Ukrainian Forces in liberating their territories. Moreover, there are no new Russian territories, only the Ukrainian territories illegally occupied and annexed by Russia.

Read MoreFake: US Permits Ukraine to Strike Russia’s New Territories

Fake: Ukraine Stages Aspirational Videos to Raise Morale Among the Military

A video circulating online shows the filming of the short feature film 'Hope'. The behind-the-scenes videos were taken from the TikTok account of the director Artem Kocharyan, who currently lives in Latvia. The film is based on the real story of his Ukraine acquaintance - a pregnant girl who lost her family due to the Russian aggression.

Read MoreFake: Ukraine Stages Aspirational Videos to Raise Morale Among the Military

Fake: “Radicals” burn down Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Church in Mykolaiv province

Russian media are circulating a video purporting to show the torching of an
Orthodox Church belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate in the Mykolaiv region
by Ukrainian "radicals". The video was actually taken in Russia ten years
ago, in 2013.

Read MoreFake: “Radicals” burn down Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Church in Mykolaiv province