Category Counteroffensive 2023

Fake: Ukraine Blames China and TikTok for “Failed Counteroffensive”

Ukraine has not made any statements about the "failure of the counteroffensive" or accusations against China. Cybersecurity expert Vitaliy Yakushev only voiced the information that the Chinese social network TikTok has access to the contents of a user's phone and uses the data in favor of Chinese intelligence.

Read MoreFake: Ukraine Blames China and TikTok for “Failed Counteroffensive”

Is Ukraine’s counteroffensive “stuck”, or just a slow starter? It’s way too soon to tell.

As of the time of writing (August 1, 2023), it far too soon to judge the ultimate success of Ukraine's current counteroffensive.

Anyone making confident predictions at this point in time is just guessing. As unsatisfying as it might be, we will just have to wait and see.

Read MoreIs Ukraine’s counteroffensive “stuck”, or just a slow starter? It’s way too soon to tell.
Article screenshot: The biggest obstacle to Ukraine’s counteroffensive? Minefields.

The biggest obstacle to Ukraine’s counteroffensive? Minefields.

The Washington Post reports: "In a painstakingly slow process that has come to define the speed of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, small groups of sappers on the front lines are crawling across minefields — sometimes literally on their stomachs — to detonate Russia’s defenses and clear a path for troops to advance.

The long buildup to the counteroffensive, which began about a month ago across multiple segments of the battlefield in the country’s east and south, gave the Russians time to prepare, soldiers said. Areas between 3 and 10 miles deep in front of the Russians’ main strongholds have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel mines and trip wires. These defenses have been successful in stalling the Ukrainian advance, they said."

Read MoreThe biggest obstacle to Ukraine’s counteroffensive? Minefields.

Opinion | Don’t second-guess the Ukrainian counteroffensive. It’s just starting.

Columnist Max Boot writes: "The Ukrainian counteroffensive is less than a month old and already the murmurs of defeatism are starting, with unnamed “Western officials” telling CNN that it is “not meeting expectations on any front.” Even Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky concedes that the counteroffensive is going “slower than desired.”

In truth, the plodding pace of the advance should not be a surprise or a cause for serious concern, yet."

Read MoreOpinion | Don’t second-guess the Ukrainian counteroffensive. It’s just starting.

Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, wants shells, planes and patience

"For Ukraine’s counteroffensive to progress faster, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, the top officer in Ukraine’s armed forces, says he needs more — of every weapon. And he is telling anyone who will listen, including his American counterpart, Gen. Mark A. Milley, as recently as Wednesday, that he needs those resources now."

Read MoreUkraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, wants shells, planes and patience