Category Attacks on religion

FACT CHECK: No, Orthodox Relics From Kyiv Will Not Be Auctioned In France On October 1 | Check Your Fact

A post shared on Facebook purports Orthodox relics from Kyiv, Ukraine are set to be auctioned at the Osenat Auction House in France on Oct. 1.

Verdict: False
An Oct. 1 auction listed on Osenat's website focuses on "The Interiors of Versailles," not Orthodox relics from Kyiv, as the post suggests. An Osenat spokesperson denied the claim's validity in an email to Reuters.

Read MoreFACT CHECK: No, Orthodox Relics From Kyiv Will Not Be Auctioned In France On October 1 | Check Your Fact

No, this video does not prove that an attack on Odesa was staged by Ukraine

A video has gone viral on social media, with users claiming it shows proof that the destruction of a historic cathedral in Odesa on the night of July 22 to 23 was staged by Ukrainian authorities. They argue that a woman in the video picks up the debris with too much ease for it to be real. However, the woman is actually picking up a light material, most likely polystyrene, so this does not prove that the attack was staged.

Read MoreNo, this video does not prove that an attack on Odesa was staged by Ukraine

No, this video doesn’t show Ukrainians setting fire to an Orthodox church

Did Ukrainians really set a Russian Orthodox church on fire? A video purporting to show just that has been circulating online since April 5, 2023. However, it turns out that this video was filmed in Russia more than ten years ago and shows an accidental fire.

Read MoreNo, this video doesn’t show Ukrainians setting fire to an Orthodox church