Fact Checks
Latest fact checks – From across the internet
Fake: Zelensky to Legalize “Polish Seizure of Ukraine”
According to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the law on the special status of Polish citizens in Ukraine will mirror the law adopted by the Polish parliament, the Sejm concerning assistance to Ukrainian citizens forced from their country by Russia’s war. Under this law, citizens of Ukraine have the same rights as Polish citizens, except for the right to vote. This includes the right to legally reside in Poland, travel, work and open a business without a special work permit, access to education, the public health service and social assistance, including unemployment insurance.
Fake: Ukrainians Massively Evading Military Mobilization
A video is making the rounds online claiming Ukrainians are evading military mobilization en masse. The video, however, has nothing whatsoever to do with Ukraine. It was filmed six years ago in Kazakhstan back in May 2016 and it shows local security forces detaining a protester who participated in a demonstration against government proposed land reform. Ukraine’s Ground Forces Armed Command refuted charges that Ukrainians are massively evading military mobilization. In a recent press conference, the Command’s General Staff personnel Chief Roman Horbach said there were isolated cases of military duty evasion, however they were very few and did not impact in any way on Ukraine’s overall military capacity.
Fake: Uber Refuses to Transport Ukrainian Refugees
The Uber transportation and mobility company has made no announcements about refusing to transport Ukrainian refugees anywhere in the world.

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