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Three claims accuse Volodymyr Zelensky of being addicted to cocaine

In recent weeks, people have been sharing at least three videos purporting to show Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky either using cocaine or making incoherent remarks after allegedly consuming drugs. But these videos have been cut misleadingly and sometimes even digitally manipulated.
Read MoreThree claims accuse Volodymyr Zelensky of being addicted to cocaine

No, a Ukrainian plane didn’t hit a street sign while avoiding Russian radar

Social media users have been circulating two photos showing a Ukrainian airplane that they say smacked into a street sign because it was flying low to avoid Russian radar. In reality, this incident happened during a training exercise back in August 2020 and has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.
Read MoreNo, a Ukrainian plane didn’t hit a street sign while avoiding Russian radar

Photos of Nazi symbols in Ukraine are shared out of context – Truth or Fake

Several videos and photos are circulating online, lending credibility to Russian claims of a serious neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine. The problem here though is that the images and videos are a distortion of reality and, in some cases, completely fictional. We take a closer look in this edition of Truth or Fake.
Read MorePhotos of Nazi symbols in Ukraine are shared out of context – Truth or Fake

No, these videos do not show a Russian hypersonic strike in Ukraine

The Russian military claimed to have used a hypersonic missile on March 18 to strike an underground warehouse in western Ukraine. Two videos have emerged on social networks claiming to show this attack, but, in fact, they have nothing to do with this event.
Read MoreNo, these videos do not show a Russian hypersonic strike in Ukraine

No, this military choir in Russia was not arrested for singing anti-war songs

Posts shared online claim to show members of a Russian military choir being arrested for singing anti-war songs. Although Russian President Vladimir Putin has indeed cracked down on people spreading "false information" about the war in Ukraine, leading to many people's arrests, this video is not an example of that. In fact, it shows an incident from 2015 when the choir performed a song from a James Bond film.
Read MoreNo, this military choir in Russia was not arrested for singing anti-war songs