Did Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?

Misleading Material. The clip was removed from its important and clarifying context, giving a misleading impression of what Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian leader's remarks were a hypothetical answer about what could happen should Ukraine lose the war to Russia, partially due to decreased support from the United States. [...]

Zelensky did not suggest that Americans should send their children to fight now for Ukraine against Russian forces.

Title: Did Zelensky Say U.S. Will Send Its Kids to War for Ukraine?
URL: https://www.newsweek.com/zelensky-ukraine-us-russia-war-children-1784657
Publisher: Newsweek
Date published: March 1, 2023

Misleading Material. The clip was removed from its important and clarifying context, giving a misleading impression of what Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian leader’s remarks were a hypothetical answer about what could happen should Ukraine lose the war to Russia, partially due to decreased support from the United States. […]

Zelensky did not suggest that Americans should send their children to fight now for Ukraine against Russian forces.