Digitized images are from a video game; they’re not from Ukraine war footage

A recent Facebook post suggests that the video featured in it shows footage of the war in Ukraine but the video in question is from a video game.

Searching for the post's video description turns up a YouTube post from about a year earlier. It has the same description, but identifies the video as being from "Arma 3," a military simulation game.

We rate claims that this clip shows real footage from the war in Ukraine False.

Title: Digitized images are from a video game; they’re not from Ukraine war footage
URL: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/apr/12/facebook-posts/digitized-images-are-from-a-video-game-theyre-not/
Publisher: PolitiFact
Date published: April 12, 2023

A recent Facebook post suggests that the video featured in it shows footage of the war in Ukraine but the video in question is from a video game.

Searching for the post’s video description turns up a YouTube post from about a year earlier. It has the same description, but identifies the video as being from “Arma 3,” a military simulation game.

We rate claims that this clip shows real footage from the war in Ukraine False.