DISINFO: The West is using the imaginary Russian threat to escalate the arms race

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative claiming that Russia is not a threat. The aim of this disinformation claim appears to be deflecting attention away from Russia's responsibility for its hostile policy and war of aggression against Ukraine. The article also accuses the West of warmongering, and of having an allegedly belligerent and hostile agenda against Russia. The West did not start the war and was not interested in war in the heart of Europe. The Russian threat is not a myth. Russia started the bloodiest war in the 21st century, violating international and humanitarian law. Russia is destroying Ukraine, its population, cities, and vital infrastructure.
Title: DISINFO: The West is using the imaginary Russian threat to escalate the arms race
URL: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/the-west-is-using-the-imaginary-russian-threat-to-escalate-the-arms-race/
Publisher: EU vs Disinfo
Date published: May 18, 2024

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative claiming that Russia is not a threat. The aim of this disinformation claim appears to be deflecting attention away from Russia’s responsibility for its hostile policy and war of aggression against Ukraine. The article also accuses the West of warmongering, and of having an allegedly belligerent and hostile agenda against Russia.

The West did not start the war and was not interested in war in the heart of Europe.

The Russian threat is not a myth. Russia started the bloodiest war in the 21st century, violating international and humanitarian law. Russia is destroying Ukraine, its population, cities, and vital infrastructure.