Fake: France Suffers From Bedbugs Influx Due to Anti-Russian Sanctions

The French media La Montagne did not publish an article entitled "Sanctions against Russia led to a bedbug epidemic in Paris." Most likely, a screenshot of this publication was created in a photo editor. Mass appearances of bedbugs are not related to anti-Russian sanctions, but to the insects adapting to insecticides, climate change and people beginning to travel more in crowded transport.
Title: Fake: France Suffers From Bedbugs Influx Due to Anti-Russian Sanctions
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-france-suffers-from-bedbugs-influx-due-to-anti-russian-sanctions/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: October 18, 2023

The French media La Montagne did not publish an article entitled “Sanctions against Russia led to a bedbug epidemic in Paris.” Most likely, a screenshot of this publication was created in a photo editor. Mass appearances of bedbugs are not related to anti-Russian sanctions, but to the insects adapting to insecticides, climate change and people beginning to travel more in crowded transport.