Fake: Germany Begins Ukrainian Refugee Selection

Germany is not conducting any kind of selection of Ukrainian refugees. Germany continues to receive all refugees from Ukraine. Ukrainians do not have to apply for asylum, they are granted temporary protection status which includes all social benefits provided for in Germany's Residence Law Article 24. Once registered with the authorities, these protections are valid for one year and may be extended for up to three years.

Title: Fake: Germany Begins Ukrainian Refugee Selection
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-germany-begins-ukrainian-refugee-selection/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: May 12, 2022

Germany is not conducting any kind of selection of Ukrainian refugees. Germany continues to receive all refugees from Ukraine. Ukrainians do not have to apply for asylum, they are granted temporary protection status which includes all social benefits provided for in Germany’s Residence Law Article 24. Once registered with the authorities, these protections are valid for one year and may be extended for up to three years.