FAKE: In 2023, Ukraine paid over $1.2 billion to British PR companies to create fakes about the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Neither BBC News nor Bellingcat published this information. The video was edited using footage available in the public domain, and there are errors in the video's text.

Title: FAKE: In 2023, Ukraine paid over $1.2 billion to British PR companies to create fakes about the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
URL: https://voxukraine.org/en/fake-in-2023-ukraine-paid-over-12-billion-to-british-pr-companies-to-create-fakes-about-the-successes-of-the-armed-forces-of-ukraine
Publisher: Vox Ukraine
Date published: January 19, 2024

Neither BBC News nor Bellingcat published this information. The video was edited using footage available in the public domain, and there are errors in the video’s text.