Fake: Injured Child Not from Mariupol

The young girl pictured in the photograph taken at the Zaporizhzhia Children's Hospital is 13-year-old Milena, who was evacuated from Mariupol. This photograph was published in the French newspaper Liberation. After being wounded in the jaw, Milena was placed in an induced coma. As of March 26, some 65,000 people were able to escape the besieged port of Mariupol through Ukrainian organized humanitarian corridors.

Title: Fake: Injured Child Not from Mariupol
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-injured-child-not-from-mariupol/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: March 26, 2022

The young girl pictured in the photograph taken at the Zaporizhzhia Children’s Hospital is 13-year-old Milena, who was evacuated from Mariupol. This photograph was published in the French newspaper Liberation. After being wounded in the jaw, Milena was placed in an induced coma. As of March 26, some 65,000 people were able to escape the besieged port of Mariupol through Ukrainian organized humanitarian corridors.