FAKE: Only ‘pure-blooded Ukrainians’ can donate blood – photo of the announcement

An alleged announcement from the online service “Doc.ua” is being spread online that from March 1, 2023, the reception of donated blood will be carried out only when the donor is a “pure-blooded Ukrainian”. Foreign citizens are prohibited from being donors.

However, the service did not provide such announcements. In Ukraine, ethnicity is not included in the list of criteria for a potential blood donor.

Title: FAKE: Only ‘pure-blooded Ukrainians’ can donate blood – photo of the announcement
URL: https://voxukraine.org/en/fake-only-pure-blooded-ukrainians-can-donate-blood-photo-of-the-announcement
Publisher: Vox Ukraine
Date published: March 3, 2023

An alleged announcement from the online service “Doc.ua” is being spread online that from March 1, 2023, the reception of donated blood will be carried out only when the donor is a “pure-blooded Ukrainian”. Foreign citizens are prohibited from being donors.

However, the service did not provide such announcements. In Ukraine, ethnicity is not included in the list of criteria for a potential blood donor.