Fake story about death of Burisma ‘whistleblower’ started on site known for misinformation

PolitiFact found nothing to substantiate claims that a Burisma accountant was "found dead" before she could provide incriminating evidence on the Biden family.

We traced this viral headline to a site known for publishing misinformation. The narrative appears to have stemmed from an unclear comment made by Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's former attorney.

Title: Fake story about death of Burisma ‘whistleblower’ started on site known for misinformation
URL: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/oct/03/instagram-posts/fake-story-about-death-of-burisma-whistleblower-st/
Publisher: PolitiFact
Date published: October 3, 2023

PolitiFact found nothing to substantiate claims that a Burisma accountant was “found dead” before she could provide incriminating evidence on the Biden family.

We traced this viral headline to a site known for publishing misinformation. The narrative appears to have stemmed from an unclear comment made by Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s former attorney.