Title: | Fake: Ukraine Refuses to Evacuate Its Citizens from Israel |
URL: | https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukraine-refuses-to-evacuate-its-citizens-from-israel/ |
Publisher: | StopFake.org |
Date published: | October 11, 2023 |
Description: | The Ukrainian ambassador to Israel said that a plan is currently being developed to evacuate Ukrainians from Israel and from the Gaza Strip. The situation is quite complicated, but the embassy noted that they are making every effort to assist Ukrainian citizens and facilitate their speedy evacuation. |
Fake: Ukraine Refuses to Evacuate Its Citizens from Israel
The Ukrainian ambassador to Israel said that a plan is currently being developed to evacuate Ukrainians from Israel and from the Gaza Strip. The situation is quite complicated, but the embassy noted that they are making every effort to assist Ukrainian citizens and facilitate their speedy evacuation.