Fake: Ukrainian Authorities Draining Dnipro River to Deploy Armed Forces to Left Bank

Russian media are claiming that water levels in Ukraine's main river, the
Dnipro, have fallen because Ukraine is draining the river in order to
deploy troops to the left bank. In fact, the drop in the Dnipro water level
is not connected to any Ukrainian activities, but is the result of Russian
shelling which damaged the shut-off valves at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric
Power Station.

Title: Fake: Ukrainian Authorities Draining Dnipro River to Deploy Armed Forces to Left Bank
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/strong-fake-ukrainian-authorities-draining-dnipro-river-to-deploy-armed-forces-to-left-bank-strong/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: January 22, 2023

Russian media are claiming that water levels in Ukraine’s main river, the
Dnipro, have fallen because Ukraine is draining the river in order to
deploy troops to the left bank. In fact, the drop in the Dnipro water level
is not connected to any Ukrainian activities, but is the result of Russian
shelling which damaged the shut-off valves at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric
Power Station.