Fake: Ukrainian Football Association Announces Matches “in Memory of 300,000 Fallen Soldiers”

The Russian media spread the video with grammatical errors in the accompanying text, which appears to have been written by a person who does not speak Ukrainian. In addition, propaganda announced matches that do not correspond to the official Premier League schedule. In a comment to StopFake, the Ukrainian Football Association also denied the information spread by Russian media.

Title: Fake: Ukrainian Football Association Announces Matches “in Memory of 300,000 Fallen Soldiers”
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukrainian-football-association-announces-matches-in-memory-of-300-000-fallen-soldiers/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: May 17, 2023

The Russian media spread the video with grammatical errors in the accompanying text, which appears to have been written by a person who does not speak Ukrainian. In addition, propaganda announced matches that do not correspond to the official Premier League schedule. In a comment to StopFake, the Ukrainian Football Association also denied the information spread by Russian media.